The sheer thought of Thai food has a tendency to instil a sense of dread amongst travellers to South East Asia; tales of alien cuisine do have the capacity to nauseate prospective tourists, with sickly musings of multi-legged street food seemingly sufficient to put many off the Thai dining experience.

While some of the food on offer does undoubtedly deviate from the conventional norms of Westernised society, experiencing the range of weird and wonderful delights on offer has the capacity to enchant, as well as stupefy.

A country with an established reputation for serving street food, traditional Thai food such as Pad Thai can be bought for a paltry 50p; despite the low price, the quality of the food is not compromised, with the authenticity of the flavours providing an experience far surpassing many fine dining establishments at home.

While the Thai cuisine does have a penchant to divide opinion, there is often a correlation between travellers who have enjoyed their experience and a willingness to embrace the food on offer; while scorpions and silk worms may not be on the menu back home, travellers are strongly advised to try and embrace the culture throughout their time in Thailand and treat your pallet to new tangs and zests. While the prospect may seem overwhelming in theory, many become accustomed to their newfound culinary discoveries.

Some visitors to Thailand may be willing to experiment with some new foods, though others demonstrate a degree of reluctance towards devouring creepy-crawlies. There are endless alternatives that can be sampled that aren’t quite as extreme, with Massaman curry the darling of the spice domain. The delectable combination of cashew, chicken and potato in a coconut sauce comes highly recommended; the dish is somewhat difficult to make, with restaurants outside of Thailand often unable to recapture its splendour.

Whether you’re a culinary swashbuckler, or have a tendency to stick to less adventurous foods, Thailand’s sprawling menu will cater for all without compromising any charm – be sure to tuck in during your time at Camp!

Nov 10, 2017

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